Email Lists

The Formal Theory Section maintains two separate email lists.

  • Formal Theory List. This is the Section’s main email list, and is reserved for important Section business and announcements. This list is used sparingly.
  • Formal Theory Talks List. This list is used to announce talks, events and conferences. Its primary purpose is for circulating Zoom links for weekly Virtual Formal Theory (VFT) workshop sessions. This list is used frequently.

Join the Email List(s)

To join either list, just send an email to the following email address(es) with “Please Add Me” in the subject line and your full name, title and institutional affiliation in the body of the email. Note: you will need to replace the “at” and “dot” placeholders with the @ symbol and a period, respectively.

  • Formal Theory List: formaltheory+subscribe [at] lists (dot) berkeley (dot] edu
  • Formal Theory Talks List: formaltheorytalks+subscribe [at) googlegroups {dot] com 

If you would like to unsubscribe from either list, send an email to the following address(es) with “Please Remove Me” in the subject line:

  • Formal Theory List: formaltheory+unsubscribe [at] lists (dot) berkeley (dot] edu
  • Formal Theory Talks List: formaltheorytalks+unsubscribe [at) googlegroups {dot] com